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de Souza
S3 licensed
Go Athletic!
de Souza
S3 licensed
I guess Messi is human afterall.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Yeah I'm another victim of the Williams fail.
Kept Rosberg but he didn't do very well on this one. Another crap result, I'm sure.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Love it is, then!
de Souza
S3 licensed

All I know is that Massa's height is 1.65m (5'5''), which isn't really that short. Lauda looks taller than him, I guess.

The other ones, I have no idea! I think I'll go with Pedro as well.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Is the English game popular in Brazil then? Do many people watch it?

Well football is popular, but I'd say the Premier League is not nearly as popular as it should, given its games being so much better than our local leagues (yes it is). Also the organization, broascasts itselves etc.
You have to consider the price of the payed channels on that math, though, and we have another one little problem here: one channel has 80% of the audience no matter what it broadcasts (and it only broadcasts sports that Brazil is directly involved).

It's pretty sad when i get to work and say "OMG Liverpool will give me a heart attack some day" and the guy next to me says "who?".
Last edited by de Souza, . Reason : Dunno, edited it countless times already..
de Souza
S3 licensed
Meh my strategy of upgrading drivers first is not paying off. Even if I had Rosberg for this one!
de Souza
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Out of curiosity how well broadcasted is English football in Brazil and Czech Republik?

Down here it's restricted to ESPN Brasil/ESPN international, which are both paid. They usually broadcast 4-5 games per matchday, ocasionally broadcasting something from the League 1 too.
Last edited by de Souza, .
de Souza
S3 licensed
Quote from Kid222 :Loserpool sucks, but they can get pumped up for cups somehow, so i say LIV-CHE.

de Souza
S3 licensed
Which one?
de Souza
S3 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :[Caroll being an arse]

Funny thing is that Ben Arfa did the exact same thing 5 minutes earlier and nobody gave a damn...

Not trying to defend anyone here, just want what's fair.
Last edited by de Souza, . Reason : Can't spell
de Souza
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :dont ever mention that in a thread with boris around

Quote from Shotglass :best movie ever
"alright youre sorrier than i am"

Pure classic!


So last night I went to see The Hunger Games. Wasn't expecting much.
What I saw was some breathtaking scenes combined with some bad parts (it kind of feels cheap at times). Camera work was top notch, which made me like the movie more than I probably should, but who cares. Story was weak. Jenny was great/hot.

Overall, it was better than I anticipated and surprisingly enjoyable, but it does feel a little off.

I didn't read the books.
Last edited by de Souza, .
de Souza
S3 licensed
That's actually a good thing (not having the same opinions).

And just to be on topic, I had another session of those-old-movies-that-everyone-talks-about-and-I-can't-join-the-conversation-because-I've-never-seen-them.
This time around was the probably recommended before Dr. Strangelove.
It's... weird.

But hurry up and watch it if you didn't yet.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Another fail for me.

E; results are up, if you have the patience to wait the website respond.
Last edited by de Souza, .
de Souza
S3 licensed
Piece of cake. Also don't forget to bet, it's already up as well.

E; by the way, it's Souza Racing.
Last edited by de Souza, . Reason : forgot the team name...
de Souza
S3 licensed
Oh dear, now that's a bad start...

Spent all my money on Grosjean, which worked for the qualify, but then comes that stupid Williams and...

Good race though.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :That Man U - Bilbao game was pretty awesome.

de Souza
S3 licensed

Is there going to be a bonus question?
Last edited by de Souza, . Reason : Can't read
de Souza
S3 licensed
Back for more.

Come on, only 15 people so far? Do you guys mind if I ask one or two non-LFS guys to join the subleague?
de Souza
S3 licensed
Brief trip to our capital...

de Souza
S3 licensed
Meh for the above.

Great match there! Is there something like an easy Liverpool win? Tilt
The blue side had spirit, I'll give them that.
No brilliant football, but lots of drama and fighting. Throughly enjoyed every second!
Now, red ones, get back on track, will ya?


LOL Tottenham! (shame, though)

LOL C.Ronaldo!
de Souza
S3 licensed
In as usual.

Regarding the LFSBr forum, I went there now (had forgot about it :schwitz and there's still nothing other than a lonely "I think this is a good idea".
Might be a better idea in fact to contact the guy directly - but is there a way to know who he is?

Great idea about that second point as well.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Avoid The Devil's Double like a plague. Unless you're one of those who liked Drive.. (they don't have anything similiar to make it clear, they're just both stupid movies).

Watched Drive a few days ago, thought it was pretty good. Just not what you'd expect from your usual bad-guy-car-chase-movie.
But maybe I missed something?

Quote from Fuse5 :The Prestige

is awesome.

de Souza
S3 licensed
Can't find "The Wire" anywhere around here. It's not on TV, it's not on stores. Sigh.

In other news, I'm going through the "Alien" franchise. Watched the first ones when I was a little kid but it's been a long time now, and didn't watch the last two movies. Since Prometheus is being made and I want that, I thought it was a good time to refresh my mind.

I personally thought Alien was brilliant. Slow paced, suspenseful, really takes its time to build up for the second half. Well thought out and executed.
Aliens was more like an action movie, guns and explosions and 'bugs' being crushed all the time. Annoying characters that are only there to improve the body count. It's ok but not really my cup of tea.

Two down, two more to go.
de Souza
S3 licensed
So I asked the LFSBR guys a few days ago (posted on their own forum) and got no answer so far.